Change Management

  • Shift in corporate strategy, merger or acquisition?
  • Change in senior management or reorganization?
  • Installation of a major new system?

Managing a major change effort is one of the most difficult exercises an organization can engage in. Research shows that only about one third of major change efforts succeed, while two thirds are considered failures or partial successes at best. The primary reasons for lack of success tend to be issues of management, organization and people.

We can increase your odds of success and help your company become a part of that successful one third who actually make it through implementation and consider the effort effective. We work at all levels of the organization to guide you through the change process:

  • Identifying the need and defining the change goalspuzzle098.jpg
  • Planning/organizing the change effort
  • Coaching the leadership team in orchestrating the activities
  • Anticipating and responding to the inevitable resistance
  • Reorganizing departments and revamping systems
  • Evaluating progress and performance
  • Institutionalizing the change

Whether you are globalizing or downsizing, merging or reinventing yourself, there is a good chance that we have been there before with other companies trying to do the same. Let us help.

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Building High Performing Organizations

Strategic Planning

Executive Coaching