Service Agreements
Most consulting firms, like attorneys, charge for the engagement using time as the metric for services rendered. At Raleigh Consulting Group, we realized that this can be a budget hassle for our clients. It also limits our flexibility.
For example, when coaching with a client, we will hear about other issues. These include how our client works with teams, direct reports, peers or others. We pick up on other issues and opportunities. Working by the engagement can limit us to the task at hand and doesn’t allow us to address other opportunities that could benefit everyone unless we renegotiate the scope of engagement.
We don’t want to be perceived as gold diggers or people trying to bill the most we can. Our solution – Service Agreements. For decades, our clients have benefited from Service Agreements.
Service Agreements provide our clients with holistic consultant coverage.
Service Agreements help us to with our budgeting by providing recurring monthly income.
Our Service Agreements are not written contracts. They are informal agreements that can be reduced, expanded or ended at any time just by talking with us.
We do not generally begin our engagements with Service Agreements. They tend to evolve after both parties see the benefit.
Benefits Outlined for Clients
- Accurate, timely data to aid with employee selection and assessment.
- Feedback on company morale.
- Input on improving strategies.
- Phone or personal contact with top executives and/or personnel.
- Periodic problem intervention.
- Conflict resolution as needed.
- Coordination with HR.