Strategic Planning

  • Have your leaders agreed upon a common purpose?
  • Do you know where you are going three to five years out?
  • Do you have an action plan with key priorities for this year?

Strategic planning will help you focus and establish a clear vision and mission that people can understand and support. We will help you develop strategies and action plans that focus people and achieve results.

The strategic planning process is as important as the outcome. The process brings people together to share their knowledge about what is happening with key stakeholders inside and outside the company. We help you identify and bring together all stakeholder needs. These needs provide a basis for your plan.

The planning process includes an analysis of the current state of affairs, assessing stakeholder needs and competitive moves, developing a vision, designing a responsive organization and developing an implementation plan. RCG can help you with the whole process or facilitate key meetings throughout the year.

Your strategic plan will include:alongglasswindow596

  • Vision, Mission & Guiding Principles
  • Environmental Scans
  • Customer Requirements
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Three to Five Year Strategies
  • Organization Plans
  • One-Year Action Plans
  • Implementation Plans
  • Evaluation Plans & Metrics

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Change Management

Building High Performing Organizations