
1. Leading and Managing Change

Managing Change with Personal Resilience: Riding the Waves in Turbulent Organizations

Change in organizations just keeps coming. Learn why change is so challenging. Increase awareness of your change quota. Discover the 7 facets of a resilient person. Understand why people get stuck when their “change sponges” are full. Learn what you can do to become more resilient and adapt to change with agility.

When Your Will Power Ain’t As Strong As Their Won’t Power: How To Lead Change In The Face Of Resistance

Is all the resistance you’re getting to your change initiatives leaving you feeling a little sick? There is an art and a science to leading change, and to managing your own reactions to resistance. Help your people quickly learn how to avoid the common mistakes of change initiatives. Hear how to motivate and influence your managers and your employees so they don’t choke during times of change.

2. Engagement

The Engaging Leader

Creating an actively engaged workforce is getting lots of attention these days. Unfortunately, Gallup statistics show that in most organizations less than 25% of the workforce is actively engaged. Research is also showing that the most important factor for creating a high-engagement environment is the quality of its leadership. Discover the factors at play in the “engagement dance” and what you can do to become a more engaging leader.

3. EQ and Leadership Styles

Develop Teamwork & Leadership Talent by Enhancing Emotional Intelligence

Leadership and teamwork demand high levels of “people radar”—self-mastery and the ability to influence others. The technical skills that got you hired won’t help you inspire a team, or manage a nasty conflict, or communicate a vision. Help your managers “tune in” to the people they support and direct with a people radar “tune up.”

Emotions at Work: How Great Leaders Leverage the Power of Passion

What would the world be like if all human beings were completely rational? There would be no conflict, just logical discussion of the facts. Unfortunately, this unemotional Utopia would also lack innovation, resilience, commitment, and passion. Great leaders are skilled at managing conflict as well as stirring up enthusiasm and excitement. Help leaders at all levels improve their understanding and abilities at making the most of the power of passion.

4. Coaching

The Power of Coaching: From Good Managers to Great Leaders

Good leaders think about this quarter and this year. Great leaders think about the decade to come. Whatever growth and success your organization achieves in the long run, it’s your people that will take you there. Who will develop your people to become the next generation of high performance teams, results-oriented leaders, and motivational managers? You will! Discover the power of coaching.

Lights, Camera, Coaching!

Watch coaching and development come to life with live demonstrations, Q&A, and a lively, down-to-earth “How To” presentation that helps managers and executives take a big step toward effective coaching. The coaching style of leadership is the most powerful and practical way to develop talent; building an organization in which coaching is valued and practiced is strategic—it helps tomorrow’s bottom line.

Strengths, Weaknesses & Other Moving Targets: Developing Real People into Top Talent

Perfect human beings would make perfect employees. Real people usually bring a list of strengths to a job, along with a list of weaknesses. And if that were not enough of a challenge, a strength in one situation can be a weakness in another. Help managers discover and build on others’ strengths, and address their weaknesses. The bad news: this presentation won’t make your managers perfect. The good news: they don’t need to be.