Free webinar- Nov. 16, 2010 at 12:00 pm EST
11 a.m. Central Standard Time (Chicago), 10 a.m. Mountain Standard Time (Denver) and 9 a.m. Pacific Standard Time (San Diego)
RCG’s George Alwon will be a Guest Speaker in this free webinar offered through Vital Learning. The current workforce contains the widest span of generations all working together to meet today’s challenges. It is now more important than ever to match training resources and practices to meet the learning needs of all members of the workforce.
The ‘wired’ Millennials generation is pushing the landscape of learning in a variety of ways. This 60-minute Webinar will examine the Learning 2.0 paradigm shift and discuss what organizations can do now to integrate it with current training strategies. Social media is growing … learn how to use it to build a thriving, leading-edge learning community in your organization!